Car Wash Assistance

Kelley Automotive Group works very hard to provide our customers with a safe, high-quality car wash. If you feel one of our car washes damaged your vehicle, please complete the form below and one of our managers will contact you within 24 hours.

Car Wash Damage Form

10 + 15 =

Kelley Automotive Group is not responsible for loose moldings, aftermarket items, wheels, or cars bumping into one another due to customers applying their brakes in the car wash, etc. These examples are representative of vehicle components that may be dislodged during the normal operation of the car wash or actions out of the control of Kelley Automotive Group. This list is not meant to be exhaustive or all-encompassing.

Get In Touch

(260) 434-4888


Monday – Friday: 8AM – 6PM
Saturday: 8AM – 5PMĀ 

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